
Board of Directors


Pinecrest School a non-profit organization.  We are a non-stock corporation under the purview of a Board of Directors, who are elected annually by the Pinecrest Community.  Per the school’s bylaws, the board can be composed of current and alumni parents, community members, and/or teachers or staff.  The Head of School is a non-voting, ex-officio board member.  The Board of Directors oversees the school’s fiduciary welfare, strategic planning and long-term growth.
2023-24: Per the school’s bylaws, the current Board is at capacity for at-large parent members (current parents) who are able to serve as Board members.
Chair- April Kreller
Vice Chair- Simone Hanley
Secretary- Steve Rumpp
Treasurer- Vacant
At-Large Parent Members- Susannah Courand, Ian Cronogue, Art Jirut, Kathy Kchao, Dan Rappaport, Daniel Smith
At-Large Community Members- Vacant
Ex-Officio, Non-Voting Member-  Darren Holgate, Head of School