Our small private school in Annandale just held its 5th Annual K-6 Color Fun Run and raised more than $5700 for Pinecrest!
The Color Run is a wonderful event that brings together all of our kindergarten through sixth grade students to get moving and do good for their school.
After the run, recognitions were given to the child in each class who ran the most laps (ranging from 43 to 60 laps), the child in each class who raised the most (ranging from $100 to $500), the child who had the very first donation in, and the child who received the highest number of donations. The biggest honor went to our kindergarten class for being the class that raised the most (or in the words of one of the kindergartners – “the mostest”). Kindergarten raised $1800+ and their prize is an extra PE class.

Thank you to everyone who donated and helped their child share the Color Run information with family and friends. Donations are still being accepted online.

We are grateful to all of the parents who came to help us for the Color Run and to the parent who organized and founded the event. In her words: “This is my favorite Pinecrest event (and that says a lot). It is beyond joyous to see the look of determination and gratification on the faces of the students as they run/walk. No matter the amount of the pledge, the participation of each student is what makes each student feel like they did their part.”
This is community!
*Have a friend or neighbor
who might be interested in learning more about our award-winning, quality
Northern Virginia private school in Annandale? Please invite them to contact us now and schedule a tour!